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Derrame petróleo afecta o Brasil "O peixe é um animal inteligente, ele vai se desviar da mancha"
Global Climate Strike 27Sep2019
New Atlantic Naturalist Embassador! Helen Rost Martins
Habitat Restoration: Reforestation modules under development
Whale remains stranded ashore | Baleia dá à costa nos Açores
Partnership with IMAR
Habitat Restoration | Endemic replanting of Monte das Moças, Faial Island
Whale and Dolphin Conservation
2016. The little-known Fraser’s dolpin Lagenodelphis hosei in the North Atlantic.
Gisela Dionísio, PhD | Climate change and ecophysiology
Coastal Floating Marine Litter | CFML
MONIJELLY | Portuguese Man-o'war: Ecological Traits
José Nuno Gomes Pereira, PhD | Marine Ecology
Azores declared Hope Spot, by Sylvia Earle, Horta 2019
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