Opening post from our new blog!
Sylvia Earle declared the Azores region a Hope Spot.

The Foundation Mission Blue - Sylvia Earle Alliance, declared the Azores a Hope Spot (Local de Esperança) for the protection of the Oceans. The oceanographer was in Horta last 16 July 2019 for the event, co-hosted by #observatoriodomardosacores with the presence of the Regional Secretariat of Science. Dr. Sylvia further gave a short talk at Peter Café. Sylvia continues to inspire generations of biologists. The message was "proceed with your work in the study and protection of the oceans around the Atlantic". "Your backyard is full of deep sea"and "the deeper we go the less we know, and greater the findings" were some of the oceanographer words.
Deeply thank you for the work of the Foundation Mission Blue and how it is stimulating and creating a large network of Hope Spots around the globe, focusing on results.
The regional government does states ocean conservation is a priority, but is it so in every aspects? We are sure there are several battles to fight still (shark fishing outside EEZ, illegal fishing inside EEZ, unreported water dumping, etc), and therefore we shall provide advice and outline where things aren''t so ok.